The History of Seaview Baptist Church
On June 26, 1862, a meeting was held in Bargaintown to consider the formation of a Baptist Church in the area. After a season of prayer, it was decided the Somers Point Baptist Church should be chartered as a branch of the Hammonton, New Jersey Church. The Rev. Thomas Davis was called as the church’s first pastor, and on July 27, 1862, the first baptism and first communion service was held.
Services were conducted in various locations until the construction of a chapel in Bakersville (now Northfield) was completed November 6, 1870. Independently, The Sea View Union Sunday School was formed during this same period. The Sea View Union Sunday School met in a public building in Linwood but was displaced by a fire on March 14, 1881.
The Somers Point Baptist Church moved its Bakersville Chapel to Linwood and invited the Sea View Union Sunday School to utilize the relocated chapel. On May 7, 1882 The Sunday School and Church were united and the name “Seaview Baptist Church” was formally adopted in 1888.
In 1959 ground was broken for the present sanctuary. Four years later an educational wing was constructed. Seaview Baptist Church reached out to the community as it sponsored the Al Crocker Evangelism Crusade in 1973, brought a Laotian refugee family to the United States in 1976 and provided space for CARING (a senior adult daycare center). The original parsonage was sold and a more modern ranch style house on Woodlynne Blvd. was purchased in 1984.
In 1992, the church suffered a devastating fire that destroyed the education wing and caused significant smoke and water damage to the sanctuary. The enduring attitude of the pastor and congregation saw to the re-construction of the education wing and the refurbishment of the sanctuary.