We Support Missionary Families and Organizations around the World!
John and Debbie Coats – Cambodia

JOHN and DEBBIE have ministered in Cambodia for many years and have a strong love for those they serve. They live in the rural village of Mesang and travel to Phnom Penh as need be. Their focus on the Children’s Program they started, in an effort to promote Christian values and principles, continues; as well as discipleship and health/community development. They now find themselves increasingly visiting other provinces and other Christian workers to help them overcome health problems so they can serve the Lord more fully. These are usually health issues that they have had for some time and haven’t been able to get help from other health practitioners.
Nelson Randolph – Operation Christmas Child

NELSON is a member of Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church in Allentown, PA and serves under the Bible Fellowship Church denominational board of missions as the Short-term mission trip coordinator. He is heavily involved with the Operation Christmas Shoebox ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that helps provide humanitarian aid for the purpose of sharing the gospel to many impoverished communities around the globe. Seaview Baptist Church partners with Nelson to pack 3,000 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes each year. Join us for our next build!
David & Joyce Reed – Missionaries to the Missionaries

DAVID and JOYCE serve as global coordinators for spiritual care, implementing the goals outlined in IM’s strategic plan by facilitating the care of personnel. Building on twenty years of ministry in Mexico and service as regional consultants in Iberoamerica and the Caribbean, David and Joyce seek to cultivate a culture of health in which IM global personnel and home office staff can thrive and be effective in ministry. They offer spiritual guidance, support and presence, provide workshops and retreats on self care, soul care and community care practices, research and find resources to support spiritual growth and health, walk with colleagues through significant times of transition, transformation, grief and loss, and mentor global servants during their first years on the field.