Come for a Visit!
Sundays at 10:30am
2025 Shore Rd Linwood, NJ 08221
Our service is a blend of traditional and contemporary styles of worship.
Seaview Baptist Church is located in the City of Linwood, a suburban community located in Atlantic County, New Jersey.

Visitors to our church, newcomers to town, and friends of our members often have questions. Here’s a list of common questions that might help you get to know Seaview Baptist Church a little better.
Who is Seaview Baptist Church?
Our gatherings are a significant part of who we are. Together, we seek to grow in our faith, share our lives, find encouragement in our struggles, and celebrate the awesome things God is doing around us. The message comes straight from God’s Word—it’s the foundation of everything we believe and do. Click here to view our Mission/Vision/Values.
When do Seaview Friends Meet?
Sunday Worship Service:
Founded in 1960, our church has grown into a healthy and vibrant congregation. Our 10:30 service typically gathers around 50 people and features a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary music, led by the Worship Team. The choir also performs special songs throughout the year.
Weekly Study and Life Groups:
We currently have two weekly Life Groups. One meets Sunday evenings at 6:30pm and the other meets Wednesday afternoons at 1pm. Visit out Life Groups page for more details on joining us!
Other Events:
We love to get together! Visit our Events page to explore all our upcoming gatherings – from social events and outreach initiatives to opportunities for personal growth. We strive to keep a balanced variety for everyone to enjoy.
What do you offer for babies and children on Sunday morning?
During the worship hour, parents of younger children or infants are invited to keep their children quietly with them in worship or make themselves comfortable in our Nursery accessible from Fellowship Hall. The audio from worship is piped into the room and a large viewing window allows caregivers to see everything happening in the sanctuary.
Registered Teachers are on hand to help your child experience the love of God
Classes for preschool through 5th grade are offered depending on attendance. Care is provided by an experienced, registered childcare worker, and children take part in a short Bible story time.
What should I wear when I come to Seaview?
Dressing up is not required to worship with us at Seaview. Whether you’re in jeans or your “Sunday best,” we believe the most important part of Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.
How Does a Person Become a Member of Seaview Baptist Church?
A person may become a member of this church by one of the following means:
Baptism – We teach believer’s baptism by immersion upon a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as one’s Savior and a commitment to following Him as the Lord of one’s life. This includes an acknowledgment of one’s sinfulness and a desire to be forgiven for that sin and a recognition that Jesus’ death on the cross was because of our sin.
Letter of Transfer – If a person belongs to another congregation, they may join the membership of Seaview upon our sending for their letter of transfer from that congregation. (Note: If a person is a member of another congregation but has not been baptized as a believer, we’d be delighted to encourage them in a recommitment of their life to Christ and believer’s baptism.)
Experience – If a person has had their membership in another church and it can no longer be traced (due to fire, lost records, church closing, etc.) they may upon their profession of faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior be received into membership.
Restoration – This is when a person has become inactive in their membership here at Seaview and has been dropped from the church rolls. If they experience a renewal of spirit and wish to be restored to membership they may do so upon a recommitment of their life to Christ.
We encourage you to connect with Pastor Mark to determine which path is right for you.